The Englishwoman did not know that she was pregnant, and suddenly gave birth right in the bedroom

Many women are carefully preparing for conception, and during pregnancy, they are reverently listening to themselves and monitor each change in the body. However, it happens that future mothers do not notice that they are in position. This happened with the 20-year-old Englishwoman Georgia Crouter.

A resident of the English city of Chadderton (Great Manchester County) 20-year-old Georgia Crouter suddenly gave birth to a son right at home-before that she just complained about abdominal pain.

This happened when the girl, along with her partner-27-year-old Kelvin Home-returned home after meeting with her family. Young people immediately went to bed, but at about three in the morning Georgia woke up from sharp spasms, as it seemed to her then, in the stomach.

Kelvin tried to call an ambulance to his lover, but the dispatcher told him that doctors would be able to come only six hours later. The girl had to cope on his own – Meanwhile, Home went down to the first floor to look after their two -year -old daughter.

“I was lying on the bed and suddenly felt that I needed to push. I got into my hands and knees and just clung to the blanket, ”said Crouter. When Kelvin returned, he found her lying on the floor with a child in his arms. At 8:05 in the morning the couple had a son, he was

called Vincent.

After some time, doctors arrived, mother and child were taken to the hospital. Vincent was diagnosed with an infection, he was placed in the intensive care unit. However, it all ended well – a week later Crouter and son returned home.

The British said that she fought with excess weight after the first pregnancy. She constantly felt strong bloating in her stomach and therefore did not notice that she was expecting a child.

“I did not have menstruation because I made contraceptive injections. People told me that I look like a pregnant woman, and I was very upset. And then, when the child was born, I thought that maybe that is why I had a simple feeling of bloating, ”Crouter explained.

When the couple reported to relatives and friends about the unexpected birth of her son, they first thought that this was a draw. However, when it became clear that it was true, loved ones supported newly -made parents and promptly made gifts to them: the necessary clothes and children’s accessories.

Previously, such a story happened to 23-year-old American Sally Smith. At that time she worked in a nightclub. According to her, she did not even suspect that she was expecting a child.

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